
How to add liquidity to the (ThunderCore) GEM-TT pair on Trader joe and earn from trading fees?

Since a total of 20M GEM was originally minted as BEP20 token on BSC, to add liquidity on TTSwap either you have to collect ThunderCore GEM from TTSwap or you can also bridge BSC GEM to ThunderCore GEM using "Multichain Router".

Here is the complete step-by-step guide on how to add liquidity in the(ThunderCore)GEM-TTpair on TTSwap and earn from trading fees.

  • Visit theLiquidity page. Connect the wallet and Configure it on the ThunderCore network. Click on the "ADD Liquidity" button.

  • One of the Inputs TT is automatically chosen by default. For the 2nd input, click ‘Select a currency’. and choose the 2nd token in the liquidity pair you want to add liquidity to. Here, we are going to use GEM. (Paste the ThunderCore GEM contract address 0x218c3c3D49d0E7B37aff0D8bB079de36Ae61A4c0 & select GEM to ADD)

  • Enter an amount on one of the tokens under “Input”. The other should be calculated and filled automatically. Click "Add Liquidity". Your web3 wallet pop-up will appear, here you need to click "Confirm" to authorise the transaction.

  • Congratulations!🎉 you just added liquidity in the GEM-TT pair on TTSwap. Now to see your GEM-TT LP tokens on your Metamask, paste 0x69d824D2e0D4769fFe6C0c5De0d0D41F9Ac744D3 under import token Type in GEM-TT under "Token Symbol". On Metamask it shows as a "GEM-TT" token.

Last updated